Sunday 16 March 2008

Oakley 20

Today was the Oakley 20. I awoke to hear the pouring rain on my window and did consider not going, but that approach is never going to get me around the marathon. Besides I was being picked up. I like travelling to unknown places with other people so that I'm not stressed before I start.

I thought the race was well organised, and was pleased I didn't have to wait ages for the ladies toilets before we started. Unfortunately I needed to go again once out on the course as I'd drunk my bottle of lucozade before I started, but there was a lot of accessible countryside on this race so I was able to find somewhere succluded quite easily! (I only mention this as it can be an issue for the girls sometimes!)

It was a wet and windy day, luckily the rain did ease off so I didn't mind it, but the wind was very blustery and in places we were just running into it, particularly running past race HQ twice straight into a really strong wind (the first time a kind man offered that I could run behind him for shelter!). There were also huge puddles to negotiate so I ended up with wet feet. The only problem with that was it caused my trainer to rub and I got a blister.

I did mostly enjoy this run. I was feeling pretty good and there were several North Herts runners. The support was excellent from the cyclists, John F, Martin, Jo H and Gary who kept popping up with the loudest shouts.

The course was undulating and we went through some villages twice. There was a 12 mile loop followed by an 8 mile loop, so it was slightly disheartening seeing a sign for 13 miles when we'd only just started, and seeing the sign for 20miles when we were no where near. I did feel better knowing the second loop was shorter though.

In general I felt good but noticed I was tiring a bit at 15 miles. My average pace was consistent though, it was 8.53 min/mile at best, and finished at 8.57. My time was 3hrs 2mins which I am really pleased with as I thought I would be slower than this. I don't think I could have kept it up for another 6 miles though so I think there is more work to do before the marathon.

I returned home to try a cold bath which I managed for 12 minutes as I distracted myself by sending a text message (lucky I didn't drop the phone in). My husband did pop in to ask why I was bathing in my clothes! (I'd kept my top on to keep warm and brought a cup of tea with me).

I think I need a good nights sleep now............

Friday 14 March 2008

Some proper training!

I am feeling a bit guilty. On Wednesday I was supposed to do an easy 5 miles, but my friend couldn't go and it was just so windy that I didn't either! At least I did 62 lengths in Hitchin pool but I didn't run.

However, Thursday I did a tempo session, my first speedwork for ages. It is lucky for me that a group run from next door on a Thursday morning and I go along occasionally. So we did a session of 1.5, 1, then 1.5 miles of speedwork, plus warmup, so about 6miles. I really enjoyed it (even got coffee and muffin afterwards) so should really try to do some speed sessions by myself.

I was pleased to learn from Lindsay's marathon training research in her blog, if I understand correctly, that my body is learning to burn off more fat than carbs at a given speed (would that be the speed I run at?) and I suppose increasing my capillary density is helping my previously slightly poor circulation. All good motivation, and it makes me feel better after all the party food I've been making for my son's birthday - I'll be able to run it all off at Oakley on Sunday. Note: next marathon I should aim to eat better.

I'm enjoying reading the other blogs. Its slightly concerned me that Lissa Squirrel has had to recover after skiing as I am going on my first ski holiday at Easter and have no idea how this will effect my training - if she was stiff then is there any hope for me? I hope Secret Squirrel manages her enforced rest - don't let the voice of doom prevail! Your body will thank you for it!

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Very glad I didn't have to run in Monday's rain

The running this week is going ok. Saturday was 15 at an av pace of 9.18min/mile (followed by 1/2 miles swim), so not a 'long run' pace. I think the long run pace is hard to achieve when running with others, but that's just an excuse because I just can't bring myself to run really slowly. I did stick my Watford 1/2 time of 1:53:42 into a pace calculator so now I know my pacing should be:

Your easy run training pace is: 10:04 min/mile
Your tempo run training pace is: 8:24 min/mile
Your VO2-max training pace is: 7:34 min/mile
Your speed form training pace is: 7:01 min/mile
Your long run training pace is: 10:04 - 11:20 min/mile
Your Yasso 800s training pace is: 3:53 min/800

Sunday: approx 3.5miles round the cross country course
Monday: rest
Today: 10 miles, off road, at 9.33min/mile.
All runs have felt fine so far, even though I woke up feeling like I could stay in bed quite a bit longer this morning, when I got out it was ok. Lucky with the weather too since yesterday poured with rain. I have run in the rain and really enjoyed it, but I didn't fancy it yesterday!

It crossed my mind (as I was munching on popcorn) that training for a marathon reminds me of pregnancy. I can't remember craving anything specific in my pregnancies, just calories! I think I may finish my training heavier than when I started.

A quick analysis on my marathon training:
Rotterdam 2006 - training was tues/thurs at club, then long Sunday run
London 2007 - I need to check calender but did involve club training sessions & Sunday runs
Hamburg 2008 - at least 4 runs, plus more swimming. Higher mileage than previously but since I'm unable to get to the club, no speedwork.
Conclusions to be drawn: none particularly! I'll see what happens in Hamburg.

Well done Lindsay and others for achieving the Grizzly.

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Wednesdays are good days

I love Wednesdays, I did my 5 social miles this morning with 2 others and it was lovely and sunny. I made it to the gym for some stretches and a sauna afterwards, although then I was almost late to pick up my daughter from nursery. We then rushed to Hitchin pool where she has her swimming lesson and I get a chance to swim too. After all this I felt very happy with myself and ready to devote the rest of the day to the duties of being a mum .....

So far so good for this week. I've also been reading Lindsay's blog wondering about how I would make my long runs 0.45-1.30 minutes per mile slower than marathon pace when I'm not quite sure what my marathon pace is. That is to say my first marathon was run in 4hrs 21 in Rotterdam which is flat and good for pbs, the 2nd was last year on a hot day in London when I was feeling very uncomfortable and only managed 4hrs 39 (My recollection of the time is vague as I wasn't very pleased with it). Of course I have a general idea of the pace I usually run but it varies as to whether I'm having a good or bad day, and if its a good day I want to look at my Garmin after a run and think I can be pleased with that time! I suppose I know what I'd like to aim for but if I always run long runs up to 1.30mins per mile slower, how will I ever achieve the target pace on the day? I don't think I understand the 'physiological adaptations that are crucial to marathon success' - as mentioned in Lindsay's blog.

Tuesday 4 March 2008

A positive start for my blog....

I've been enjoying reading the blogs so thought I'd give it a go and try my own. My training is for the Hamburg Marathon on 27th April. So far training is going ok, sort of to plan as far as the plan goes. The right sort of things are happening - the long runs are getting longer and I'm doing usually 4 runs in a week, some swimming and I've joined the gym again so I can do some more stretching type stuff to 'unstiffen' me.

Today's run went well I thought, started cold this morning but the sun was shining as I arrived home which made everything seem very good. I was also very pleased that the nasty dog which threatened to beat up Oscar (my four-legged training companion) last time I ran this route was restrained by his previously negligent owner.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's run, which will be 5miles out to Charlton, involving a few hills but at a leisurely 'chatting' pace. (it's not surprising my times don't improve!). I will then aim to make use of my expensive gym membership by fitting in a few stretches afterwards, oh and possibly a sauna.