Sunday 16 March 2008

Oakley 20

Today was the Oakley 20. I awoke to hear the pouring rain on my window and did consider not going, but that approach is never going to get me around the marathon. Besides I was being picked up. I like travelling to unknown places with other people so that I'm not stressed before I start.

I thought the race was well organised, and was pleased I didn't have to wait ages for the ladies toilets before we started. Unfortunately I needed to go again once out on the course as I'd drunk my bottle of lucozade before I started, but there was a lot of accessible countryside on this race so I was able to find somewhere succluded quite easily! (I only mention this as it can be an issue for the girls sometimes!)

It was a wet and windy day, luckily the rain did ease off so I didn't mind it, but the wind was very blustery and in places we were just running into it, particularly running past race HQ twice straight into a really strong wind (the first time a kind man offered that I could run behind him for shelter!). There were also huge puddles to negotiate so I ended up with wet feet. The only problem with that was it caused my trainer to rub and I got a blister.

I did mostly enjoy this run. I was feeling pretty good and there were several North Herts runners. The support was excellent from the cyclists, John F, Martin, Jo H and Gary who kept popping up with the loudest shouts.

The course was undulating and we went through some villages twice. There was a 12 mile loop followed by an 8 mile loop, so it was slightly disheartening seeing a sign for 13 miles when we'd only just started, and seeing the sign for 20miles when we were no where near. I did feel better knowing the second loop was shorter though.

In general I felt good but noticed I was tiring a bit at 15 miles. My average pace was consistent though, it was 8.53 min/mile at best, and finished at 8.57. My time was 3hrs 2mins which I am really pleased with as I thought I would be slower than this. I don't think I could have kept it up for another 6 miles though so I think there is more work to do before the marathon.

I returned home to try a cold bath which I managed for 12 minutes as I distracted myself by sending a text message (lucky I didn't drop the phone in). My husband did pop in to ask why I was bathing in my clothes! (I'd kept my top on to keep warm and brought a cup of tea with me).

I think I need a good nights sleep now............

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

teehee, I am giggling at the thought of you texting in a cold bath with half your clothes on! The things people do for their running!